Kempston Rugby Club

Chairman Alex Redford


The Chairmans role is to provide vision, leadership and business planning to help develop all aspects of the club, from playing and team development to running the business and fundraising, ensuring that support for succession planning is in place, for the benefit of all.

Key aspects of the role

  1. Arrange and lead club meetings, Arrange and chair Management Committee meetings, Emergency Committee Meetings, Sub-Committee meetings concerning club policies and Special/Annual General Meetings and working with the Honorary Secretary prepare the Annual General Report from these meetings.
  2. Implement policies and strategies Use the latest legislation to ensure health, safety and welfare policies are implemented. Lead the creation of your club development and business plans.
  3. Ensure club representation Make sure the club is represented at the RFU AGM and local Constituent Body (CB) meetings.


Safeguarding is a term used to describe measures that help keep children and adults at risk, free from abuse or harm in the game. Safeguarding in Rugby is everyone’s responsibility.

Whilst safeguarding in rugby is everyone’s responsibility, the Club Safeguarding Officer (CSO) is responsible for championing safeguarding at Kempston Rugby Club. The CSO is responsible for championing the safety and welfare of all children and adults at risk at their club. Every person at Kempston Rugby Club has the responsibility to adhere to their safeguarding duties, as per the Rugby Football Union (RFU) Safeguarding Children Policy and Regulation 21.

Current Team